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Police arrest man with knife near St. Peter's Square in Vatican

Police arrest man with knife near St. Peter's Square in Vatican


Police arrest man with knife near St. Peter's Square in Vatican

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ROME (Reuters) - A man carrying a knife was arrested on Sunday during routine checks of people heading towards St. Peter's Square, a police spokesperson said, on the day the pope gives his weekly address to the crowds.

The spokesperson said the man was a 51-year-old Italian who underwent checks in the morning in Via della Conciliazione, a road leading up to the St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.
In a confrontation to disarm the man, one officer reported being lightly injury, police said.

The spokesperson added that there was no evidence suggesting the man was carrying the knife for terrorism-related purposes and he was arrested on charges of injuring and resisting an officer.

Ansa news agency reported that the arrested man suffered from a mental disorder.